Sick like me.

am I BEAUTIFUL?…as I tear you to pieces!

I’m thinking to stop.

~ my nerves are just way too precious baby ~

I say goodbye to all my weird aliens.

Is it sick of me
To need control of you
Is it sick to make
You beg the way I do
Is it sick of me
To want you crawling on your knees
Is it sick to say
I want you biting down on me

Gone Girl

“I am a thornbush, bristling from the overattention of my parents, and he is a man of a million little fatherly stab wounds, and my thorns fit perfectly into them.”

I wouldn’t be wrong to say that is the best movie I’ve seen this year. It’s the type of movie that makes me feel something, which is awesome nowadays when it’s hard to feel a thing. It was…a complete mindfuck. She is screwd up and brilliant, she’s what I’ve been wanting to see/know for a long time now. My only regret is that I didn’t know there is a book, so I messed up…big time. Hopefully I’ll be smarter next time.

„I was a little too much and he was a little too little” Mhm, this is how I’d describe the movie. He was pretty plain, a cheater, and didn’t seem to have some great mind or anything like that.“He was one of those guys who’d pronounce I’m a hugger as he came at you, neglecting to ask if the feeling was mutual.”  Not a exactly a smart guy, right? Meanwhile, she was everything else. “You are a man. You are an average, lazy, boring, cowardly, woman-fearing man. Without me, that’s what you would have kept on being, ad nauseam. But I made you into something. You were the best man you’ve ever been with me. And you know it. The only time in your life you’ve ever liked yourself was pretending to be someone I might like.”  Yep, and he hated that. What guy on earth would accept that? None. Anyway, they completed each other… righttttt :D. Mom always told me that it’s how it is with people, something like ‘It’s ok if one is dumb as fuck as long as the other is a smart ass…we all need to live, right?’ I don’t know really, I’d hate a dumb guy, and I’m not exactly a stupid one either…so mom, you need to revise that shit.

Many people at the cinema were like ‘omg she’s such a bitch’ cuz she did all those evil things for a sick kind of love but hey, I really liked her, and all that her mind could come up with, trully amazing. Too bad that there aren’t such interesting people in real life. We enjoy being plain, don’t we ?

My lover’s got humour
She’s the giggle at a funeral
Knows everybody’s disapproval
I should’ve worshiped her sooner

Take me to church
I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I’ll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife
Offer me my deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life

Dracula Untold

Sometimes the world doesn’t need another hero. Sometimes, what it needs…is a monster. 

Glad they picked Luke Evans for the role of Vlad, he’s both sensitive and strong, aaaand I liked him in ‘The Hobbit’. Can’t wait to see him again this winter!  I just loved the way he turned into a colony of bats and of course the scene where he impales 1000 Turks. Ummm..yeah.

Where do I end?

Is it when everybody else is out? Or do I end right before they go out? Or…right before I shut up? Give up? Was I even there?

I’m so so confused. Meanwhile, everything is pretty much disappearing and I really want it to stop, and I don’t want it so badly, and I regret, and I have high hopes…and I have no hopes at all.

It feels like I only go backwards, baby

Damn my brain!

Dammit Louie!


When you don’t wanna feel, death can seem like a dream. But seeing death, really seeing it, makes dreaming about it fucking ridiculous.

Oh yeah, sorry to break this down to you like this but, heyyy you don’t wanna die, right?? Don’t be ridiculous, you zombie!

Only Lovers Left Alive

it must have been a deadly kiss

Yes, I finally watched it, I thought I’d see a romantic movie or something but let’s just say it wasn’t so romantic.


I haven’t read anything about the movie, all I knew it was that it’s supposed to be a romantic one and that it has Tom Hiddleston. I had no idea it would be about vampires and like…not normal stuff. It all started mysteriously and kinda creepy too, so I was all like  ‘Yayyy not a common love story!’…and then they all started drinking blood and I just found it really eww, for some reason. I don’t usually have problems with blood stuff. Weird night I guess.

the more she burns the more beautifully she glows

It wasn’t a common film and at some point I was thinking ‘ God, I need some action! ‘ but when you actually see it, it’s like you get into the story sort of, and you like it. I wanted to be the last singer.

It made me sad in a weird, unexpected way.

” I just feel like all the sand is at the bottom of the hour glass or something.”

Red Dragon

Oh hi!

OOPS, I know I’ve been out for a long time, not even I am following my blog anymore BUT I kind of decided to come back (~at least for the moment, I get bored so fast). I want to start writing about these books I’m reading because it’s awesome to have a place where all of them are stored -along with my opinions about them of course.


Yep, just another event I missed. Aaaanyway…


So I just finished reading Red Dragon. I honestly don’t know if I’ll continue with the other books’s like, after I saw the movie for Red Dragon, it seemed kind of not worth it, I don’t even know why I feel like this but to me, the movie kind of captured everything from the book, also…it was just 2 hours or so, compared to 3 days, it is better, yes?

My fav. character was D. of course. After I read the part about his childhood and all I was like ‘aww poor misunderstood baby!!’  And no, this doesn’t mean I agree with him just killing people, but yeah… I understand why he got oh so crazy and …angry.


They used a good looking actor for his role when D. is supposed to be pretty ugly, I mean wtf ?!

I don’t wanna start bragging about the book or movie because nowadays everyone seems to be pretty excited about the Hannibal series so, it’s pointless. I just felt like writing something down.




„…but fear is not what you owe me. YOU OWE ME AWE. „

This is no technological breakdown

Hear them whisper , moving – I start freaking out

And then just silence, a deep gross one, because silence can be super gross when one is out of their mind.  Then something tells me ‘ Hey , it’s just your brain you know? Shit is not really happening, black is not that black ‘ .

Get lost…and take me maybe?


Take my eyes, take them aside
Take my face, and desecrate
My arms and legs
They get in the way
And take my hands, they’ll understand
Take my heart, pull it apart
And take my brain, or what remains
And throw it all away

Bliss, bliss…bliss me

I’ll just keep saying it until it becomes an undeniable truth uhh..


Take me lightly, I am not the way I ought to be
I’m just the way I got to be
Take me slowly, or else you may come by injury
I’ll hurt you emotionally
Rock me baby, until my eyes are closed and I’m asleep
And then it’s safe for you to leave.