This is no technological breakdown

Hear them whisper , moving – I start freaking out

And then just silence, a deep gross one, because silence can be super gross when one is out of their mind.  Then something tells me ‘ Hey , it’s just your brain you know? Shit is not really happening, black is not that black ‘ .

Get lost…and take me maybe?


Take my eyes, take them aside
Take my face, and desecrate
My arms and legs
They get in the way
And take my hands, they’ll understand
Take my heart, pull it apart
And take my brain, or what remains
And throw it all away

Bliss, bliss…bliss me

I’ll just keep saying it until it becomes an undeniable truth uhh..


Take me lightly, I am not the way I ought to be
I’m just the way I got to be
Take me slowly, or else you may come by injury
I’ll hurt you emotionally
Rock me baby, until my eyes are closed and I’m asleep
And then it’s safe for you to leave.

Odd mom

She called me today and said ‘  Oana I can’t wait to bite your hands!  ‘ . I’m used to her doing it when we’re together but hearing it  in a call… just sounds so creepy.


I’m sleepy.