Only Lovers Left Alive

it must have been a deadly kiss

Yes, I finally watched it, I thought I’d see a romantic movie or something but let’s just say it wasn’t so romantic.


I haven’t read anything about the movie, all I knew it was that it’s supposed to be a romantic one and that it has Tom Hiddleston. I had no idea it would be about vampires and like…not normal stuff. It all started mysteriously and kinda creepy too, so I was all like  ‘Yayyy not a common love story!’…and then they all started drinking blood and I just found it really eww, for some reason. I don’t usually have problems with blood stuff. Weird night I guess.

the more she burns the more beautifully she glows

It wasn’t a common film and at some point I was thinking ‘ God, I need some action! ‘ but when you actually see it, it’s like you get into the story sort of, and you like it. I wanted to be the last singer.

It made me sad in a weird, unexpected way.

” I just feel like all the sand is at the bottom of the hour glass or something.”